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Product descriptions
Juvom is a gastrointestinal drug that suppresses stomach acid quickly and strongly.
It is used for ulcers in the stomach and duodenum, reflux esophagitis, etc. and is also used to remove Helicobacter pylori along with antibiotics. It is recommended to take it before meals to take it before the proton pump is activated.
Omeprazole is caused by the administration of stomach ulcers, duodenal ulcers, and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
Gastric and duodenal ulcers, reflux esophagitis and gastroesophageal reflux disease symptoms,
It's used to treat Zolinger-Ellison syndrome
1) treatment of gastric ulcers, reflux esophagitis
: 20 mg once a day 4 to 8 weeks (or 40 mg once a day 8 weeks)
2) treatment of duodenal ulcers
: 20 mg once a day 2 to 4 weeks (or 40 mg once a day 4 weeks)
3) Treatment of symptoms of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)
: Once a day, 20 mg for 2 to 4 weeks
4) maintenance therapy for severe reflux esophagitis and poorly treated peptic ulcers
: 20 mg once a day (increased to 40mg once a day on relapse)
5) Zolinger-Ellison syndrome
: Initial dose once a day 60mg
Depending on the individual 20 to 120mg per day (When administering more than 80 mg, administer in divided doses twice a day)
6) H. pylori antibiotic combination therapy
- OMP 20mg and AMX 750 to 1,000mg twice a day for 2 weeks
- OMP 20mg and CLTM 250mg and MTZ 400mg twice a day 1 week
- OMP 20mg and AMX 1,000mg and CLTM 500mg twice a day 1 week
7) Treatment of gastric and duodenal ulcers due to NSAID
: Once a day 20mg 4 to 8 weeks
8) Prevention of stomach, duodenal ulcers or symptoms due to NSAID
: 20mg once a day
9) Prevention of Recurrence of Reflux Esophagitis
: 10mg once a day
Precautions for use
-It is a drug that is metabolized by the liver, so reduce the daily dose to 10 to 20 mg for patients with liver disorders.
-In the case of gastric malignancy, the administration of omeprazole alleviates the symptoms and can be detected late
If you suspect a malignant tumor (weight loss, repeated vomiting, blood spewing, black stools, etc.), consult your doctor first to see if it's a tumor.
-A decrease in gastric acidity may increase the number of bacteria normally present in the gastrointestinal tract, increasing the infection of the gastrointestinal tract by bacteria such as Salmonella, Campylobacter, and Clostridium difficile, resulting in persistent diarrhea.
-Since systemic lupus erythematosus and skin erythematosus have been reported in patients taking PPI, do not take it longer than the doctor's instructions, and if symptoms such as rash and joint pain occur, stop taking it and consult your doctor.
-There are reports of increased risk of hip, wrist, and spinal fractures in patients given high doses or long-term doses, so be careful of those at risk of fractures.
-Since fetal toxicity has been reported in animal experiments, it is administered only when it is deemed that the benefit of treatment is greater than the risk for pregnant women or women who may be pregnant.
-It is recommended not to be administered to lactating women because it is transferred to breast milk, and if it is unavoidable, stop breastfeeding.
Side effects
Common side effects (reported by 1% to 10% of users)
- Nervous System: Headache
- Gastrointestinal: abdominal pain, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, stomach air, constipation
Rare side effects (reported by less than 1% of users)
- Nervous system: drowsiness, insomnia, sensory dysfunction, fainting, dizziness
- Liver: Elevation of hepatic enzymes
- Skin: rash, hives, itching, dermatitis
- Musculoskeletal system: Back pain, helplessness
- Respiratory System: Coughing
Juvenor Pharmacy Pvt Ltd
胃と十二指腸の潰瘍、逆流性食道炎などに使われ、抗生剤とともにヘリコバクターピロリ菌を除去するのにも使われます。 プロトンポンプが活性化する前に服用するため、食前に服用することをお勧めします。
1) 胃潰瘍、逆流性食道炎の治療
2) 十二指腸潰瘍の治療
3) 胃食道逆流疾患(GERD)の症状治療
4) 重度の逆流性食道炎とよく治らない消化性潰瘍の維持療法
5) ゾリンガー·エリソン症候群
6) H。 pylori抗生物質併用療法
- OMP*20mg + AMX† 750~1,000mg、1日2回2週間
- OMP 20mg + CLTM 250mg + MTZ§ 400mg、 1日2回 1株
- OMP 20mg + AMX 1,000mg + CLTM 500mg、1日2回 1週間
7) NSAIDsによる胃·十二指腸潰瘍の治療
8) NSAIDsによる胃·十二指腸潰瘍または症状の予防
9) 逆流性食道炎の再発防止
-胃酸度が減少すると、胃腸管に普通存在する細菌の数が増加し、サルモネラ、カンピロバクター、クロストリジウム·ディフィシレ(Clostridium difficile)のような細菌による胃腸管の感染が増加することがあり、これによって持続的な下痢が現れることがあります。
- 神経系:頭痛
- 胃腸関係:腹痛、下痢、吐き気、嘔吐、胃内空気参、便秘
- 神経系: 眠気、不眠症、感覚異常症、失神感、めまい
- 肝臓: 肝酵素の上昇
- 皮膚:発疹·じんましん·かゆみ·皮膚炎
- 筋骨格系:腰痛、無力症
- 呼吸器系: 咳
Juvenor Pharmacy Pvt Ltd
用于胃、十二指肠溃疡、反流性食道炎等,也可与抗生素联合用于消除幽门螺杆菌。 建议饭前服用,以便在质子泵启动前服用。
1) 治疗胃溃疡、逆流性食道炎
2) 十二指肠溃疡治疗
3) 胃食道逆流疾病(GERD)的症状治疗
1日1次 20mg,2~4周
4) 严重的反流性食管炎和消化性溃疡的维持治疗.
5) 佐林格-埃里森综合征
初始剂量为每日1次 60mg,
6) 幽门螺杆菌抗生素联合疗法
- OMP* 20mg+AMX † 750~1,000mg,一日2次,2周
- OMP 20mg+CLTM 250mg+ MTZ§ 400mg,1日2次,1周
- OMP 20mg+AMX 1000mg+CLTM 500mg,一日2次,1周
7) 治疗NSAIDs引起的胃和十二指肠溃疡
1日1次 20mg,4~8周
8) 预防NSAIDs引起的胃、十二指肠溃疡或症状
1日1次 20mg
9) 防止逆流性食道炎复发
1日1次 10mg
- 神经系统:头痛
- 胃肠关系:腹痛、腹泻、恶心、呕吐、胃内空气咳、便秘
- 神经系统:困倦、失眠、感觉异常、昏厥、头晕
- 肝:肝酶的上升
- 皮肤:皮疹、荨麻疹、瘙痒、皮炎
- 筋骨系统:腰痛,无力症
- 呼吸系统:咳嗽
Juvenor Pharmacy Pvt Ltd
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